European Conference on Fungal Genetics

13th European Conference on Fungal Genetics


MONDAY 4 APRIL  11.30 - 13.00  

Plenary Session 2: Fungal Biotic Interactions

The aim of ECFG13 is to showcase recent advances in fungal genetics and molecular biology, including cellular biology, evolutionary genomics, biotic intercations, systems and synthetic biology, ecogenomics and biotechnology. The program includes keynote lectures, 6 plenary sessions, 9 concurrent sessions, and 2 poster sessions for more informal discussions. These sessions will be complemented with satellite meetings, which will be held prior to the main conference. The conference will provide an interdisciplinary forum for scientists to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and issues in the field of fungal genetics and molecular biology.The conference will be held in Paris, France, a city with many attractions, in the setting of the Center of Science and Industry (La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie) in La Villette Park. The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you in 2016 to enjoy springtime and some exciting science!