1st Annual Conference

1st Annual Conference

COST FA1208 meeting 9-11 October 2013 at Birnam Arts & Conference Centre, Birnam, Dunkeld PH8 0DS, UK

The first annual meeting of COST Action FA1208 "Pathogen-informed strategies for sustainable broad-spectrum crop resistance" was held in Birnam, Scotland from  9-11 October 2013, uniting 77 participants from 22 countries.
Click here for the Abstract Book of the conference. For more information about the meeting, visit the meeting website.

group photo 2


Wednesday 9th October 2013


8:30 - 8:45
Welcome and introductory remarks

Thomas Kroj, Chair of the COST Action FA1208
John Jones, Local Organiser

WG1 - Pathogen effectors and virulence

Chair : John Jones



MANTELIN, S.1, Thorpe, P.1,2, Cock, P.J.1, Coke, M. 2, Urwin, P.E.2 & Jones, J.T.1 (James Hutton Institute & University of Leeds, UK)

  • Identification and functional characterisation of G. pallida effectors and their host targets

9:15 - 9:35
Mathieu Gourgues (INRA / University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)

  • Two penetration specific effectors from Phytophthora parasitica modulate hormonal physiology of the host to facilitate infection.

9:35 - 9:55

ALI AHMED, Carsten Pedersen & Hans Thordal-Christensen (Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • Functional analysis of barley powdery mildew effector candidates and identification of their barley targets.

9:55 - 10:15

HAZEL MCLELLAN, Petra C. Boevink, Leighton Pritchard, Miles R. Armstrong and Paul R.J. Birch (University of Dundee/ James Hutton Institute, UK)

  • An RxLR effector from Phythophthora infestans prevents nuclear accumulation of two potato NAC transcription factors

10:15 - 10:45    BREAK


10:45 - 11:15

Amey Redkar, Lena Schilling, Alexandra Matei, Christoph Hemetsberger, Ziba Ajami-Rashidi, Virginia Walbot & GUNTHER DOEHLEMANN (Max-Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany)

  • Formation of plant tumors in the Ustilago maydis – maize interaction requires organ-specific activity of secreted effector proteins.


 REMCO STAM, Motion, G.B., Boevink, P.C. & Huitema, E. (University of Dundee/ James Hutton Institute, UK)

  • A Phytophthora capsici CRN effector targets a tomato TCP transcription factor to affect its function.


Kombrink, A., SÁNCHEZ VALLET, A., Faino, L., Valkenburg, D.J., van den Berg, G. & Thomma, B.P.H.J.(Wageningen University, Netherlands)

  • Suppression of Chitin-Triggered Immunity, and Other Functions of Fungal LysM Effectors.


G. GHEYSEN, L. Bauters, S. Nowak, D. Naalden & A. Haegeman (Ghent University, Belgium)

  • Effector analysis of two different types of rice nematodes, the sedentary Meloidogyne graminicola and the migratory Hirschmanniella oryzae.

12:15 - 13:45    LUNCH

WG2 - Plant proteins and processes targeted by effectors

Chairs : Hans Thordal-Christensen & Nemo Peeters



Dionne Turnbull, Susan Breen, Miles Armstrong, Stefan Engelhardt, Licida Giuliani, Ingo Hein, Paul Birch & ELEANOR GILROY (University of Dundee & James Hutton Institute, UK)

  • Pumped up on (brassino)steroids: the late blight pathogen manipulates the BR pathway in potato.


ANGELA CHAPARRO GARCIA, Tolga Bozkurt, Sebastian Schornack & Sophien Kamoun (The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK)

  • Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector AVR3a targets a GTPase involved in plant immunity.


DU, Y. Bouwmeester, K. & Govers, F (University of Wageningen, Netherlands)

  • A novel host target of Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector.


Giska, F., Taube, M., Piechocki, M., Hoser, R., Kozak, M., Hennig, J. & KRZYMOWSKA, M. (Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Poland)

  • Interactions of HopQ1, a type III secretion effector from Pseudomonas syringae, with host 14‐3‐3 proteins

15:15 - 15:45    BREAK



Mark Kwaaitaal, Mads Eggert Nielsen & HANS THORDAL-CHRISTENSEN (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • Analysis of barley cell vesicle trafficking after powdery mildew invasion reveals the identity of the extrahaustorial membrane


Jose L. Lozano-Torres, Ruud H.P. Wilbers, Sonja van Warmerdam, Anna Finkers-Tomczak, Casper C. van Schaik, Hein Overmars, Jaap Bakker, Aska Goverse, Arjen Schots & GEERT SMANT (University of Wageningen, Netherlands)

  • Secreted venom allergen-like proteins of plant-parasitic nematodes modulate defence responses in host plants


STREUBEL, J., Pesce, C., Hutin, M., Koebnik, R., Boch, J. & Szurek, B (University of Halle, Germany, IRD Montpellier, France & U. Louvaine)

  • Rice SWEETs as virulence targets for Xanthomonas TALEs


 Teper, D., Salomon, D., Sunitha, S., Mudgett, M.B. & SESSA, G (Tel Aviv University, Israel & Stanford University, USA)

  • Xanthomonas campestris type III effector XopQ interacts with tomato and pepper 14-3-3 isoforms to suppress effector-triggered immunity


TOLGA O. BOZKURT, Khaoula Belhaj Angela Chaparro-Garcia & Sophien Kamoun (The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK)

  • An endocytotic pathway targeting the vacuole is re-routed towards pathogen penetration sites in Plants


Thursday 10th October 2013

WG3 - Effector evolution and diversification

Chair : Didier Tharreau



CANO, L.M.1, Cooke, D.E.L.2, Raffaele, S.3, Pais, M.1, Oliva, R.F.4, Etherington, G.1, Birch, P.R.J.2, Coffey, M.5 & Kamoun, S. (The Sainsbury Laboratory, James Hutton Institute, University of Dundee, IRRI & U Tolosan)

  • Genome sequencing and expression profiling of emerging strains of P. infestans


HELDER, JOHANNES, Van den Elsen, Sven, Mooijman, Paul, Kasia Rybarczyk, Landeweert, Renske & Goverse, Aska (Wageningen University, Netherlands)

  • Insights into the evolution of plant parasitism within the phylum Nematoda based on neutral and pathogenicity-related genes


FOURNIER E, Ortega-Abboud E, Mallet L, Chiapello H., Guérin C., Rodolphe F., Gendrault A., Kreplak J., Amselem J., Philippe N., Lebrun M-H., Kroj T. & Tharreau D. (INRA/CIRAD-Montpellier, France)

  • Evolution of the pan-secretome among lineages of Magnaporthe oryzae attacking different host-plants

10:00 - 10:30    BREAK


10:30 - 11:00

Thierry Rouxel (INRA-Grignon, France)

  • Evolutionary dynamics of avirulence genes in Leptosphaeria maculans

11:00 - 11;30

David Cooke (James Hutton Institute, UK)

  • Tracking effector diversity in Phytophthora infestans populations


PEETERS N, Carrere S., Anisimova M., Plener L., Cazalé AC & Genin S (CNRS/INRA-Toulouse, France)

  • Inventory and evolution of Type III effector proteins in the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex


PEDERSEN, C., Van Themaat, E. V. L., Bindschedler, L. V., McGuffin, L., Abbott, J. C., Barton, G., Maekawa, T., Cramer, R., Lu, X., Thordal-Christensen, H., Weßling, R.2, Panstruga, R. & Spanu, P. D (Copenhagen University, Denmark, Max Planck Institute Germany, Royal Holloway University UK, University of Reading UK, Imperial College UK, Aachen University, Germany)

  • The structure and evolution of barley powdery mildew effector candidates

12:15 - 13:45    LUNCH

13:45 - 15:00

Thomas Kroj & Aska Goverse

  • Presentation of the COST Action FA1208 and discussion of upcoming events

15:30 - 18:30


  • Birnam House Hotel

15:30 - 17:00

Management Committee Meeting

  • Birnam Institute


Friday 11th October 2013

WG4 - R genes and host targets for resistance breeding and engineering

Chair : Vivianne Vleeshouwers



VIVIANNE VLEESHOUWERS, Juan Du, Evert Jacobsen, Richard G.F. Visser (Wageningen University, Netherlands)

  • Exploiting pathogen effectors in breeding for disease resistance


Andolfo G., Sanseverino W., Rombauts S., Van der Peer Y., Bradeen J., Carputo D., Frusciante L., ERCOLANO M (University of Naples Federico II IT, VIB Gent BE, University of Minnesota USA)

  • Overview of tomato candidate pathogen recognition genes


Stella Cesari, Imène Abidi, Véronique Chalvon, Jean-Loup Notteghem, Jean-Benoit Morel, Ryohei Terauchi & THOMAS KROJ (INRA-Montpellier, France, Iwate Biotechnology Research Center)

  • The Magnaporthe oryzae effectors AVR1-CO39 and AVR-Pia are recognized by the rice Nucleotide Binding-Leucine rich repeat (NB-LRR) protein RGA5 through direct interaction


Morten Lillemo (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway)

  • Breeding for improved resistance to Stagonospora nodorum blotch in wheat by elimination of sensitivity to necrotrophic effectors

10:00 - 10:30    BREAK



SOLÉ CASTELLVÍ M., Reschke, M., Baufumé, S, Meynard, D., Guiderdoni, E., Koebnik, R. & Boch, J. (University of Halle, Germany, IRD & CIRAD Montpellier, France)

  • Using TALENs for plant genome engineering


Urso, S., Biselli, C., Bagnaresi, P., Desiderio, F.,Orrù, L., Perrini, R., Crispino, L., Abbruscato, P., Piffanelli, P., Cattivelli, L. & VALÈ, G. (CRA-GPG Genomic Research Center Italy, DRA Rice Research Centre Italy, PTP Rice genomics unit Italy)

  • Integration of genetics and RNA-Seq approaches to dissect a durable blast resistance in rice


BOUWMEESTER, K., Wang, Y., Weide, R., & Govers F. (Wageningen University, Netherlands)

  • Lectin receptor kinases; novel leads for disease resistance in Solanaceous crops


SUCHER, J., Krattinger, S., Chauhan, H., Selter, S., Risk, J., Lagudah, E. & Keller, B (University of Zürich, Switzerland & CSIRO)

  • Study of durable disease resistance Lr34 wheat gene into heterologous grass species

11:50 - 12:00

Concluding remarks

Thomas Kroj, Chair of the COST Action FA1208
Aska Goverse, Vice Chair of the COST Action FA1208

For more information about the meeting, visit the meeting website.