Workshop - Evolutionary genomics of plant pathogens

Evolutionary genomics of plant pathogens

The fifth workshop of the COST Action SUSTAIN on Evolutionary genomics of plant pathogens will be held from the 26th to the 28th August 2015 in Kiel, Germany.


Background: Advances in genome sequencing and genome-wide analyses allow the integration of genomics, evolutionary biology and plant pathology. This new integrated field of pathogen genomics provides the opportunity to address new questions regarding the evolution of plant pathogens.

Rationale: Comparative genome analyses and population genomics may allow the identification of new candidate genes involved in pathogenicity. Virulence related traits are expected to be under strong selection and genome data can be used to identify such footprints of adaptive evolution. Furthermore, the distribution and frequency of adaptive mutations within and between species can provide insights patterns of evolution in populations of asexual and sexual pathogen species and populations. Footprints of such strong natural selection can be detected in genome data as footprints of positive selection or selective sweeps. Furthermore, genome analyses can provide new insights into the mechanisms whereby plant pathogens acquire new virulence related traits and whereby they adapt rapidly to new environmental conditions, including new host resistance genes.


Objective: The goal of this workshop is to discuss advances in genome analyses of plant pathogens with a particular focus on evolutionary genomics and rapid adaptive evolution of pathogens.


The following topics will be addressed :


Session 1 : Comparative genomics and characterization of species specific traits

Session 2 : Population genomics and analyses of adaptive evolution

Session 3 : Two speed genomes and evolution of effector genes

The workshop is organized by Michael Habig (CAU, Kiel) and Eva Holtgrewe Stukenbrock (CAU, Kiel) from the Department of Environmental Genomics  in the Botanical Institute of Kiel University (Germany). It will welcome around 40 participants and take place at the University of Kiel.

Invited speakers:      

  • Thomas Bataillon, Aarhus, Danemark
  • Daniel Croll, ETH Zurich, Suisse
  • Etienne Danchin, Sophia-Antipolis, France
  • Michael Freitag, Corvallis, USA
  • Alice Guidot, Toulouse, France
  • Hans Helder, WU Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Marie-Agnès Jacques, INRA, Angers, France
  • John Jones, Dundeee, United Kingdom
  • Erik Kemen, MPI Cologne, Germany
  • John Taylor, Bekerley, USA
  • Bart Thomma, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Sophien Kamoun, Norwich, United Kingdom


Scientific Commitee:                           

  • Didier Tharreau, CIRAD, Montpellier (Fungi)
  • Daniel Croll, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Fungi)
  • Erik Kemen, MPI Cologne, Germany (Oomycetes)
  • Hans Helder, Wageningen University (Nematodes)
  • Marie-Agnès Jacques, INRA, Angers, France (Bacteria)
  • Eva H. Stukenbrock, MPI/CAU, Germany (Fungi)


port kiel





trpst kiel


Venue and costs:

The workshop will be held at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (Germany). The conference package covers registration to the conference, accommodation at Hotel Steinberger (, local transport, refreshments during breaks and all meals during the duration of the workshop. The cost of the conference package is 500 € and will be reimbursed to selected participants by the Cost grant.

How to participate:

The participation to the workshop requires pre-registration since the places for the meeting are limited. All those wishing to apply will be required to complete an online form and submit a short, 250-word abstract for an oral or poster presentation not later than April 22. Scientists or breeders from companies, interested in attending the workshop, can alternatively up-load a letter outlining their interest in the workshop. 

link to the pre-registration online form

Deadline for pre-registration: Wednesday 22 April 2015

All applications will go through a selection process by the scientific committee and successful applicants and selected speakers will be made aware of the jury's decision in the second week of May. Completing the form does NOT mean that you are allocated a place at the meeting. Please do not make any travel bookings until you have received confirmation that your application to attend the meeting has been approved.
Selected participants will receive reimbursement of their travel, accommodation and subsistence costs by the SUSTAIN COST grant.

Kiel map

Description of the Workshop

Article on the workshop in the local newspaper Kieler Nachrichten